Export rundowns

The GML-Aimexer can export real time rundown info for usage by / syncing with 3rd party systems like CMS and newsroom- & playout software.

Export format
  • Audisi prev/now/next playing info (XML). This option will export a complete rundown.
  • Audisi rundown for Cinegy playout (XML). Special format for Cinegy.
  • Audisi commercial blocks (XML). To use duration of blocks in 3rd party software.
  • NewsBoss commercial blocks (TXT). Special format for NewsBoss Commercial Break import into rundowns.
Rundown export file properties
File name format

Use wildcards (for example [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD].xml) if you need one file per day that may be overwritten at every rundown update.

Export rundowns inside week cache only

Necessary when using filenames like [DAY3].xml.

Export to file
Copy export info to folder

Fill in the folder location

Export to FTP server
Transfer export info to FTP server

Provide the host address and credentials.

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