Devices By default, devices are shown as a dark blue line with two buttons: Depending on the device settings, an incoming call...
ONE-Manager\Equipment\Device schemes Section to connect coding schemes to devices. Supported device types Shows a list of available device brands/types/models. Supported coding schemes...
ONE-Manager\Equipment\Devices Section to manage devices. Connect the Device to a ONE-Driver, Data port and Audio in- and outputs. Defined devices Shows...
ONE-Manager\Equipment\Device groups Section to manage device groups. This is used to have two connections Defined device groups Shows a list of current...
ONE-Manager\Equipment\Device group members Section to write device groups members. Defined device groups Shows the list of Device groups that are defined at Device...
Common Setup\\Triggers\Device Section to manage the trigger device for this application. This part of the Setup is common for every Audisi application...