
By default, devices are shown as a dark blue line with two buttons:

The device is connected and available to Claim.
The device is claimed in another studio. My studio can not Claim this device.
The device is claimed in another studio. My studio is allowed to Claim this device.
The device is claimed by this studio.
The device is connected and claimed by this studio. The current phone book name is showed.
The device is dropping a connection or the connection is not framed.

Depending on the device settings, an incoming call or connection can ‘Ring’ until accepted or auto-answered.

Each device displays:

  • the connection status with a symbol at the left
  • the device number
  • the device Brand / Type
  • the fader label
  • a counter for the active connection
  • the Phone book entry that is dragged onto the device
  • the Encoder and Decoder (read from the device)
  • the Return signal
  • the MORE button for options like change the Encoder/Decoder, open the web interface and Release the device.
  • the DROP button to end the connection.

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