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  3. Daylight Saving Time start

Daylight Saving Time start

This instruction assumes the DST switch takes place at 2 am.

The last weekend of March the DST will start. The clock moves one hour forward. At 2 am the clock will skip 2 am and jump to 3 am.

To be even more precise: after 01:59:59:999 immediately 03:00:00:000 will follow. The recommendations below ensure a good transition of GML to DST summer time.


Nonstop played by the GML-Player:

  • Hour 01:00 A Block in Auto mode at the end of hour 01:00 will be executed without any problem. You don’t have to remove this Block or switch it to Manual mode. In case you don’t trust this: delete an Auto Block at the end of hour 01:00 and make sure there is at least 60 minutes of audio.
  • Hour 02:00 Delete every item in this hour.
  • Hour 03:00 You can start this hour with a Block in Auto mode at 00:00.000. Also a fixed Block on xx.30 or at the end of this hour will be fine.

Nonstop played by the GML-Blaster:

  • Hour 01:00 The same as above.
  • Hour 02:00 The same as above. Remove control macro’s in the corresponding hour from the Player rundown.
  • Hour 03:00 The same as above.

The Logger requires no action. The Logger will skip hour 02:00 and start a new recording at 3 am.

Example filename: Hitradio_[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]_[HH]-[NN].

Files around DST event:
Hitradio_2019-03-31_01-00.wav = regular recording
Hitradio_2019-03-31_02-00.wav = the file size will be a few kB
Hitradio_2019-03-31_03-00.wav = regular recording

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