

Application to perform system configuration and maintenance.


  • Configuration of client applications (concurrent license system)
  • Configuration of interfacing (data ports and drivers for interfacing with physical or virtual devices)
  • Configuration of global data that is used by multiple client applications
  • Configuration of equipment, especially for CAB
  • Configuration of coding schemes and assign them to devices
  • Configuration of router devices, sources and destinations
  • Configuration of mixer devices and faders (used for UNI-model)
  • Configuration of devices, device groups, device group members
  • Configuration of studios, studio controllers, studio returns
  • Configuration of WEQ environment
  • Manage the CAB phone book
  • Manage tasks
  • Manage the Grid for rundowns
  • Configuration of users (including multiple administrators)
  • Configuration of user groups and members and their rights
  • Tools for database management

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