ONE-Manager\Equipment\WEQ rotor maps

Section to manage rotor maps for rotor controls.

Defined maps

List of current rotor maps.

Rotor map properties

To enable/disable this map.

Map name

Name of the defined rotor map.

Map type

Selector to select the map picture type. When Bitmap picture is selected:

Bitmap (24 bit RGB)
File name (including file path)

Path + file and a BROWSE button to navigate to the picture.

Scale X (meters per pixel) and Scale Y (meters per pixel)

Selectors to define the number of meters per pixel.

Preview (native resolution 392 x 364)

Preview of the map picture that …

Reference point
X position (px) and Y position (px)

Finetuning of the locator.

Latitude (-90.0…+90.0) and Longtitude (-180.0…+180.0)

Define the exact location of the rotor. Values in degrees.

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