
Section to manage studios.

Defined studios

Shows a list of defined studios. Add, Delete or Copy a studio by using the buttons at the bottom of the list.

Studio properties

Field to give the studio a name.

Allowed to force device claims (hostile takeover when not released)

This gives users (who know what they are doing) in this studio the possibility to claim a device.

Release device on manual drop

After usage, the device is ready for use by other studios immediately.

Clear device destination info on manual (local) drop

To leave no connection details after usage (and ‘ready to use’ look of the device).

Clear device destination info on automatic (remote) drop

To leave no connection details after usage (and ‘ready to use’ look of the device).

Disable dial out and hide the phonebook

When the Controller is only used for monitoring connections.


Selectors to locate sounds that can be played on the local computer at incoming calls, outgoing calls and connection framed status.


Selectors to get the On-air status and set the Ring status (external lamps).

Audio mixer
Mixer used in this studio (optional)

Dropdown selector to select a mixer when using the CAB-Controller in fader routing mode.

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