ONE-Manager\Equipment\Mixer faders

Section to manage mixer faders for the UNI-mode of the CAB-Controller.

Mixer device

Dropdown selector to select the studio (defined at Mixer devices) that need to be managed.

Defined mixer faders

Shows a list of current mixer faders. Add, Delete or Copy a Mixer fader with the buttons at the bottom of the list.

Mixer fader properties

Enable/disable this Mixer fader.


Field to give the Mixer fader a name.

Mixer fader identification
Fader order

Set the number of the fader device.

Fader ID

Set the number of the Fader ID (must match the fader ID / number of the mixer configuration).

Fader name

Field to give the Fader device a name.

Fader input (forward routing destination)

Selectors to select the Router and Router in- and outputs for this Fader device.

Fader cleanfeed (return routing source/N-1/N-x)

Selectors to select the Router and Router in- and outputs.

Fader prerouting destination (for alternative return)

Selectors to select the Router and Router in- and outputs.

Fader prerouting source (default return)

Selectors to select the Router and Router in- and outputs.

Dynamic labels
Default fader label

Field to provide the default fader label as shown on the mixer.

Router source

Selector to select the Router device that provides the source for the device.

Router destination

Selector to select the Router device that provides the destination for the device.

Router source label

Selector to select the Router source label.

Router destination label

Selector to select the Router destination label.

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