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Windows 10 and NAS (SMB levels)

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  • slow performance of loading audio items into a GML-Browser, GML-Planner
  • slow performance of loading pictures and video items into a VID-Controller


The problem is located in the file transfer between Windows 10 and your NAS. Filesharing between Windows and a NAS is using the SMB protocol. There are different SMB levels. In a simple way: the devices on both sides of the network cable need to use the same SMB level.

Solution Synology NAS

  • Logon to the DSM > Control panel
  • File services > Tab SMB/AFP/NFS
  • button Advanced settings
  • set Maximum SMB-protocol: SMB3
  • set Minimum SMB-protocol: SMB2
  • Apply
  • Reboot the device

Solution Windows 10

As from Windows 10 version 1703 SMBv1 is no longer supported. SMBv1 needs to be disabled, otherwise Windows might try to use it. After a Windows Update the SMB1 might be activated back again. By adding four values to the Windows Registry, the SMBv1 and an SMB cache are disabled permanently.

  • Download the attached Audisi_Registry.txt and rename it to .reg (click the + at Article attachments)
  • Always create and store a backup of the registry (or just the HKEY that will be affected) to restore the previous state in case of any problems.
  • Execute the Audisi_Registry.reg
  • Reboot the machine



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