
Section to manage CAB Phone book entries.

Phone book

Defined phone book entries

Shows the Folders and entries of the Phonebook.

Phone book entry properties

Field to give the Phone book entry a name.


Field to provide a unique reference for this entry.

Entry type

Dropdrown selector to select the device/connection type.

Contact information
Contact name

Field for the name of the contact person of this connection.

Contact phone number

Field for the phone number of the contact (same or other number than the connection number).


Field for the City of the contact.


Field for the country of the contact person.

Contact picture
Picture / Photo

Select a picture for the contact person via Browse. Delete via the Eject button.


Temporary fader label (4 characters)

When fader routing is used, this fader label is shown on the console.

Temporary fader label (8 characters)

When fader routing is used, this fader label is shown on the console.

Temporary fader label (16 characters)

When fader routing is used, this fader label is shown on the console.

Device reference / machine name

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