• Support

    Click the flag for your language. You can e-mail a problem with an Audisi application to: support@audisi.nl Your e-mail automatically becomes a ticket. When reporting an issue, please provide this set of information: Your full contact information (WHO) Exact problem description and -if possible- how to reproduce it (WHAT) Studio/machine/application/version…

  • Update procedure

    Met deze instructie kun je een update zelfstandig uitvoeren. VOORBEREIDINGEN ONDERHOUD Door regelmatig een Rundown cleanup en Empty Trash uit te voeren, bespaar je tijd bij een update. De eventuele database-upgrade gaat daardoor sneller. DOWNLOAD NONSTOP Indien de GML-Player of GML-Blaster on-air is: deze kan blijven afspelen tijdens het vervangen…

  • Windows checklist

    Click the flag for your language. The points below help to improve the performance of the computer and applications. AUDIO DEVICES Prevent Windows from changing the order of audio devices: Windows updates (in particular the bi-annual major release) cause changes in the order of audio devices. Therefore always check the…

  • Windows controlelijst

    Onderstaande punten helpen om de computer en applicaties beter te laten werken. AUDIO APPARATEN Voorkomen dat Windows de volgorde van audio apparaten wijzigt: Windows updates (met name de halfjaarlijkse major release) zorgen voor wijzigingen in de volgorde van audio apparaten. Controleer daarom na een update of upgrade altijd de toewijzing…

  • Windows protection

    PROBLEM When starting an application, this screen appears: CAUSE The application probably comes from a downloaded ZIP file. Windows blocks this ZIP file by default. SOLUTION Next time, after downloading the ZIP file: Right-click on the ZIP file. Open properties. At the bottom of the options, you will see an unblock…

  • Windows Security

    SYMPTOMS Examples: GML-Player audio level meters respond very slow after starting to play. GML-Player transition to next item is exectuted with application hang / audible interruption(s). This problem occurred with Windows 10, but you may experience the same issue with Windows 7. CAUSES The HTTP export is being scanned. The…

  • First usage of a client

    Usage of an AUDISI client application for the first time on a machine Each AUDISI client application need to connect to the AUDISI ONE-Server. Therefore, each client need to store the IP address and the Port number of the ONE-Server. Those are the only settings that are stored into the…

  • Command line options

    The desktop shortcut of an Audisi application may contain command line options to force or override certain settings at startup. Spaces are only used to divide multiple options. Parameters without brackets (e.g. [x] = 123) SPLASHTYPE=[value]0=off / 1=splash video / 2=picture DBCLIENTID=[client ID]Client ID to ensure the start of a…

  • Wintertijd

    De laatste zondag van oktober eindigt de wintertijd om 03:00 uur. De klok gaat 1 uur terug. Na de eerste keer 02:59:59 wordt het nogmaals 02:00:00. Onderstaande tips zorgen ervoor dat de overgang naar wintertijd goed gaat in GML. GML-PLANNER Voor nonstop uit de GML-Player: Uur 01:00 kan zonder probleem…

  • Daylight Saving Time end

    For Dutch instruction click the flag. This instruction assumes the DST switch takes place at 2 am.Please use the correct time of the DST change of your country. The last Sunday of October the DST ends. The clock repeats one hour. The clock will jump back to 1 am when…