• Titles in VID-Controller

    Requirements > The VID-Builder must be running and the (licensed) option ‘Titles’ must be active. > Graphics templates for Titles need to be present. > Navigate to the Category SYS:Texts and make sure there are at least two subcategories: SingleLine DoubleLine At the properties of the category SingleLine, the field…

  • HP Z240 high memory usage

    SYMPTOM The RAM usage keeps raising without any reason. A reboot solves the problem, but after a couple of days the memory usage is growing again. CAUSE The service “SynTPEnh Caller Service” is responsible for this behaviour. SOLUTION Remove the Synaptics pointing device driver from your system.The driver is not required for…

  • Demo mode

    With Demo mode you can run the software without a license. This way you can use the software for demo, test, and education purposes. Requirements a Windows computer (almost any computer will do) the Audisi files (already on your system or download them here) a database file (new from Bin\Data…

  • Strange representation of waveform

    Problem In some rare cases, the waveform of an item is shown deformed when zooming in at the Transit in a GML-Browser or GML-Planner. At a certain zoom level, a part of a waveform is shown behind the end of Track 1 where wavform should not be showed at all….

  • ONE-Manager\Grid\Warpers

    The Grid contains the layout of rundowns for Stations. With a bundle of predefined Grid hours you can reduce the amount of work to create rundowns to a minumum. Is is also possible to automate the rundown import. A Warper sets properties for a Block. Blocks are used for commercial…

  • ONE-Manager\Global\Now playing info

    Publish now playing info For general information about Real time info / Now playing info, please see this page. Filter options Each export option offers the possibility to use 4 filter options: Process items with a reference onlyitems without a Reference will not be published Use the Category filter as…

  • ONE-Manager\Global\Real time info

    Export real time playlist info For general information about Real time info / Now playing info, please see this page. Station Dropdown selector to select a Station. Category filter Shows all Categories with checkboxes to select / deselect. Default data Both fields are used when an item don’t pass the…

  • Real time info / Now playing info

    Export of metadata GENERAL Now playing (meta)data can be published in many variants (simultaneously). E.g. HTTP, File, FTP, vendor specific formats etc. The playout applications GML-Player / GML-Blaster / GML-Browser can publish metadata at each start of an audio item. The settings are managed in the ONE-Manager (Global). Exports are…

  • Export rundowns

    The GML-Aimexer can export real time rundown info for usage by / syncing with 3rd party systems like CMS and newsroom- & playout software. Export format Audisi prev/now/next playing info (XML). This option will export a complete rundown. Audisi rundown for Cinegy playout (XML). Special format for Cinegy. Audisi commercial…

  • Broadcast reports (as-run logs)

    The GML-Blaster / GML-Browser / GML-Player can create broadcast report files. Those files can be used by 3rd party scheduling software to reconcile non-played items. The layout of the files is fixed column. PER STATION The Blaster/Browser/Player write items that are played into an ascii file per station. For example:…